The Bishop’s Diary
The Rt. Rev. Cleland Kinloch Nelson
MAY, 1895.
1. Attended service at S. Luke’s, Atlanta.
2. Presided at meeting of S. Luke’s Vestry.
3. In the Cathedral, celebrated at 7:30 A. M. Said Morning Prayer, preached and celebrated at 11 A. M.
S. George’s, Griffin, in the evening, confirmed ten and preached.
6-11. In office, Atlanta.
12. In Emmanuel Church, Athens, celebrated at 7:30 A. M., confirmed seven and preached at 11 A. M., and preached again in the evening.
14. Presided at meetings of the General Chapter, of the Weston Trustees, of the Corporation, and of the Board of Missions.
15. Opened the Diocesan Convention with a celebration of the Holy Communion. In the afternoon delivered the annual address to the Convention.
16-17. Presided at Convention.
17. Presided at united service of the Brotherhood of S. Andrew.
19. In S. Peter’s, Rome, celebrated at 7:30 A. M., confirmed four and preached at 11 A.M.
Preached at Calhoun, S. James’ Chapel, at 8 P. M., and confirmed one.
20. Celebrated and preached at S. Andrew’s, Kingston, in the morning. In the evening preached at S. Mark’s. Dalton, and confirmed four.
22. Said Evening Prayer and confirmed one in S. Luke’s Atlanta.
23. Ascension Day, celebrated in the Cathedral, assisted by Dean Knight and Archdeacon Walton, and preached.
25. Conferred with Vestry at S. Paul’s, Albany.
26. Celebrated, preached and confirmed nineteen in S. Paul’s, Albany. Preached again in the evening.
27. Made several calls in Thomasville. In the evening confirmed ten, and preached in S. John’s, Bainbridge.
28. Preached and confirmed fifteen in S. Athanasius’, Brunswick, in the morning. In the afternoon confirmed two and preached in S. Ignatius’ Chapel, S. Simon’s Island; and in the evening in the Mills Chapel, preached and confirmed six.
29. Confirmed one in private in Frederica Parish. In the afternoon confirmed four and preached in S. Jude’s, Brunswick.
30. In office, Atlanta. Presided over Vestry S. Luke’s Church.
1. Presided at meeting of the Vestry of S. Luke’s Church, Atlanta.
2. Christ Church, West Point, confirmed two, preached and celebrated the Holy Communion, twenty receiving.
LaGrange, S. Mark’s, confirmed one and preached at Evening Prayer.
5. Washington. D. C., made an address at the closing exercises of Gunston Institute.
6. Washington, attended meeting of the Church Commission for work among colored people.
9. Preached and celebrated the Holy Communion in S. Peter’s Church, West Chester, Pa., Rev. George Heathcote Hills, Rector.
16. South Bethlehem, Pa., preached the Baccalaureate sermon in the Packer Memorial Church of Lehigh University. Said Evening Prayer and preached in S. Mary’s Chapel of the Parish of the Nativity.
18. Acted as one of the judges in the oratorical contest of all classes at the Lehigh University.
23. Celebrated the Holy Communion in S. Peter’s, Phoenixville, Pa., and later in the day preached at Morning Prayer. Said Evening Prayer and preached in Pottstown, Pa.
24. Preached in S. John Baptist’s Church, Germantown, on the evening of the Patronal Festival.
Spent the rest of the month and until July 15th, on Sport Island, near Alexandria Bay, N.Y.
7. Said Morning Prayer, celebrated and preached at S. Lawrence Church, Alexandria Bay, N.Y.
14. Similar services at the same place.
21. Washington, D. C., assisted in the Morning Service and preached the sermon in the Church of the Ascension.
25. Sewanee, Tenn., in S. Augustine’s Chapel, assisted at the celebration of the Holy Communion, and attended the yearly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of the South, where I remained until August 2d.
28. Assisted in the Morning Service in the Chapel.
1. Attended the graduating exercises at Sewanee.
2. Met with the Executive Committee of the Board.
4. Celebrated and preached at 11 A. M. in the Cathedral, Atlanta. In the evening said the Prayers and preached at S. Luke’s Church.
7. Met with the Minor Chapter of the Cathedral. Received the Rev. Wiley J. Page, from Kentucky.
11. Officiated morning and afternoon in S. George’s Church, Griffin, where I was welcomed by a most earnest and attentive congregation.
14. Attended Summer session of the Board of Missions at the Appleton Church Home, Macon, and renewed appropriations for the quarter.
18 At Gainesville, Grace Church, at 11 A. M., preached, confirmed three, and celebrated with the assistance of Archdeacon Walton. Marked improvements are observable in the interior of the Church—new pews, the walls pleasantly colored, a rood-screen, and an effect total of zeal and devotion. In the evening, read Evening Prayer and preached in Calvary Church, Mt. Airy. The Woman’s Auxiliary and the Sunday School are among the most active and progressive in the Diocese.
24. S. Bartholomew. Celebrated the Holy Communion in the Cathedral.
25. Officiated morning and afternoon in Christ Church, Savannah, and in the evening in S. Michael’s Chapel.
26. Baptized in Christ Church, Mary Townsend, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. W. Schley.
In the evening, held a conference with the Vestry of S. Paul’s Church, in view of the departure of the Rev. J. J. Lanier to another field of labor.
1. In S. Luke’s Church, Atlanta, celebrated the Holy Communion, and preached a sermon appropriate to his entrance upon the Rectorship of the Rev. J. N. McCormick.
Mr. McCormick comes to us with marks of the highest esteem as a faithful and zealous Priest, and we feel that we commit into able hands the care of one of our most important Churches, of which we have borne the chief responsibility for more than a year. We wish him sincerely God-speed, and are comforted in the thought of the valuable cooperation he will furnish in the whole work of the Cathedral.
In the afternoon officiated at the Chapel of the Holy Redeemer, and instructed the children.
2. Received certificate of election of Rev. J. N. McCormick from the Wardens of S. Luke’s, Atlanta.
6. Met the clergy of Atlanta in conference. Decided to have the Daily Service in the Cathedral and arranged for a celebration of the Holy Communion, Morning Prayer, and Evening Prayer daily. There were present the Dean, Rev. A. W. Knight, Archdeacon W. M. Walton, Rev. J. N. McCormick, Rev. Allard Barnwell, and Rev. Wiley J. Page.
8. Officiated morning and afternoon in S. George’s, Griffin, and preached twice.
11. Received letters dimissory of Rev. J. N. McCormick from the Diocese of Virginia.
14. Met with Executive Committee of Board of Trustees of Sibley Institute, Mt. Airy, Ga.
15. Preached and celebrated at Grace Church, Cartersville, assisted by Ven. W. M. Walton. Said Evening Prayer and preached at the Chapel of the Holy Cross, Deep Creek.
16. Returned to Atlanta ; in office.
20. Said Evening Prayer and made an address in the Cathedral on the Daily Service.
21. Celebrated (S. Matthew’s Day) in the Cathedral at 7:30 A. M., and said Morning Prayer at 9 A. M.
22. Greensboro, Church of the Redeemer, celebrated and preached. In the evening baptized two children of Captain and Mrs. Avery, at S. Paul’s Chapel, Austin P. O. Said Evening Prayer and preached.
23. Preached at Evening Prayer in the Church of the Advent, Madison; confirmed four presented by Archdeacon Walton. Attended reception at home of Colonel Usher, Thomason.
25. Appointed Rev. W. L. Githens Rector of S. George’s Church, Griffin.
26. Said Evening Prayer in the Cathedral.
27. Celebrated at 7:30 A. M. Morning Prayer at 9 A. M.
29. S. Michael and All Angel’s. At S. Andrew’s, Kingston, celebrated and preached. Said Morning Prayer and preached at S. James’s, Calhoun. Preached at Evening Prayer at S. Mark’s, Dalton, and confirmed— presented by Ven. W. M. Walton.
30. Took the cars for Minneapolis, Minn., to attend the General Convention.
1. Arrived in Minneapolis for the work of the General Convention, and was met with a cordial greeting by Dr. and Mrs. William D. Lawrence, at whose attractive home I was a delighted guest for the entire time of the Convention. Was present in the procession of Bishops at the opening services; a splendid event. The Bishop of Minnesota presided and celebrated. The Bishop of Western New York preached the sermon. From this time, with the exception of one day, I sat continuously in my place in the House of Bishops, performing such duties as were assigned me, and assisting as I best could in the deliberations of that House.
3. Attended the general reception of Bishop Whipple and Bishop Gilbert in the West Hotel, and met many prominent churchmen and citizens of the two towns of Minneapolis and St. Paul.
4. In the evening met the Commission on the pointing of the Psalter for singing, and assisted in the completion of the report of that commission, which was later adopted in both Houses.
5. Enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Dorilus Morrison in a garden party after adjournment for the day.
6. Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity, read the Gospel in Gethsemane Church, the Bishop of Cairo being celebrant, and the Bishop of Fond du Lac, preacher. In the afternoon made an address at the missionary rally of the Sunday-schools. In the evening preached at S. Paul’s Church, the Rev. John Wright, D.D., Rector, in the city of S. Paul.
7. In the evening sat at a banquet and reception of the Church Club of S. Paul, tendered to the members of the General Convention.
8. Attended a banquet with officers and alumni of the University of the South, Sewanee, at the West Hotel, during which occasion much interest was elicited from our guests in the successes and prospects of that institution.
8. Dined with my friends, Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Miller, of Augusta, and the Bishop of Florida at the West Hotel.
10. Took an afternoon off with the General Convention to visit the city of St. Paul. In the evening dined with the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Oakes, the Bishop of Colorado, and others, at the West Hotel.
11. Gave a letter dimissory to the Rev. Andrew T. Sharpe, B.D., to the Diocese of Missouri.
12. In company with nearly four hundred other guests I visited Faribault, the public institutions of the State and of the Church, Seabury Hall, S. Mary’s School, Shattuck School, the Cathedral and the Bishop’s House. This was an occasion of great delight to us all, in the abundant hospitality of the townspeople, without respect to sect, and in the most loving welcome of the reverend Bishop of Minnesota, and the devoted church-people connected with the parishes and the institutions of Faribault.
13. Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity, I preached at Gethsemane Church on Foreign Missions; in the evening, sang evensong at the same place. The Bishop of Springfield preached the sermon.
14 and 16. Presided in the Committee on Nomination of Members of the Board of Managers and of the Missionary Council.
14. Dined with Bishop Kinsolving, Col. Wm. C. Edgar, and others at the summer home of Colonel and Mrs. Reeve, Lake Harriet.
15. In the evening attended a reception to the Bishops at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Linton, Park avenue.
16. Conducted the morning devotions and made a brief address at the University of Minnesota. In the evening attended a meeting of the Executive Committee of the University of the South.
17. Attended the reunion of the alumni of the Berkeley Divinity School.
18. Was present at the celebration of the Holy Communion on S. Luke’s Day.
20. Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity, celebrated in the morning and preached morning and evening in the beautiful Grace Church, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, the Rev. T. A. Green, S.T.D., Rector. Visited Church Hospital in the afternoon.
22. United in the closing exercises of the General Convention, at Gethsemane Church. The Bishop of Long Island read the Pastoral Letter. The Bishop of Minnesota pronounced the benediction. We departed with the assurance that, despite the little legislation effected, the Convention had produced on that large and thriving community of the two cities deep respect for and confidence in the Church of our love. The unflagging hospitality and courtesy of the people are worthy of permanent record. Left Minneapolis that evening by the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad.
23. Wednesday, visited Racine College, where I was most politely escorted by the Warden, the Rev. Mr. Piper. Reached Chicago in the evening and made an address at the missionary service at which the Woman’s Auxiliary of the Diocese of Chicago was present in large body. During my stay was the guest of the Rev. and Mrs. C. S. Edsall at their charming home on the north side.
24. Lunched with Rev. Mr. Edsall and my friend Edward Buehler, Esq., at the Athletic Club. In the evening, by special invitation, enjoyed the hospitality of the Church Club of Chicago in their annual banquet and made the first address.
27. Twentieth Sunday after Trinity, celebrated at the Church of the Ascension, Shady Side, Pittsburg. In the morning addressed the Sunday School of Trinity Church at 10 o’clock, and preached in Trinity at 11. Made an address to the Church Sunday School Institute in S. Peter’s Church in the afternoon, and preached in the same Church in the evening.
28. SS. Simon and Jude. Was present at celebration of the Holy Communion in the Bishop’s Chapel. In the evening made an address to the Sunday School Institute in S. Peter’s Church. The Bishop of Pittsburg, his family and other friends greeted me warmly and gave me to understand that my services were highly appreciated.
29. Arrived in Washington, D. C.
30. Reached Atlanta 12 o’clock noon.
31. Gave letters dimissory to Rev. Frank B. Ticknor to East Carolina, and to Rev. C. H. Thompson to Kentucky. Took the cars that afternoon for Cedartown.
1. All Saints’ Day. Celebrated the Holy Communion and held a service of benediction of the Samuel Benedict Memorial School, near Cedartown, Ga., and made an address on Industrial Education.
3. Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity. Consecrated the new Church at Hapeville, Fulton county, and confirmed four; preached and celebrated the Holy Communion. The Rev. Allard Barnwell presented the first fruits of the mission in the four candidates confirmed. In the evening preached at the Cathedral on the topic, “How Saints are Made.”
2, 3 and 4. Spent in office at Atlanta attending to my voluminous correspondence.
6. Attended meeting of the Minor Chapter at the late Deanery.
7. Said Evening Prayer in the Cathedral.
8. Celebrated in the Cathedral at 7:30, and at 9 said Morning Prayer.
10. Celebrated at S. Luke’s Church 7:30 A. M. Preached at the Cathedral at 11 A. M. and at S. Luke’s in the evening.
12. Received letters dimissory of the Rev. J. H. H. Brown from New York, appointed to charge of Waycross and other missions.
13. Presided at meeting of the Archdeaconry of Atlanta in S. James’ Church, Marietta. Celebrated the Holy Communion and made an address. Opened the meeting of the Woman’s Auxiliary. Presided at meeting of the Board of Missions of the Diocese.
14. Received, with Mrs. Nelson, a number of friends, citizens and visitors in Atlanta at our home, 302 Peachtree street. To us a delightful occasion.
15. Celebrated in the Cathedral, afterward said Morning Prayer.
16. Admitted Messrs. Winfield P. Woolf and J. W. Carter, as postulants for candidacy for Holy Orders.
17. In the Church of the Good Shepherd, Augusta, celebrated in the morning, and preached morning and afternoon. At night preached at Christ Church and made seven calls.
20. Dined with the Bishops of Montana and Oklahoma, the Rev. Drs. McVickar and Bradley, and Miss McVickar, at the home of our friend Miss Coles, 2111 Walnut street, Philadelphia.
21. In the Parish of the Holy Trinity, Philadelphia, lunched with the Woman’s Auxiliary of the Diocese of Pennsylvania, and afterward in the Church addressed this Society on “Missions Among the Negroes, the Encouragements and the Needs.” I had a patient and interested hearing of a story which is not all gloom and despondency, as our work in Georgia abundantly testifies.
22. Spent on business in New York.
24. Preached at the Cathedral in the morning, after which presided at a meeting which considered the bonded debt and how to meet it, and from which resulted the securing of a good $4,000 as the first step toward liquidation of a most oppressive indebtedness. We confidently believe that we have reached the beginning of the end of the greatest discouragement which has long retarded the growth of our work in Atlanta. As we opined, our people are ready and willing to work when they have an intelligent leader, such as is our beloved Dean. In the afternoon preached to a splendid body of men in the Cathedral, Squadron A, of New York, and the Gate City Guard, of Atlanta.
In the evening, after a quick trip, preached in Christ Church, Macon, to the local members of the Brotherhood of S. Andrew and the men whom they brought with them to the House of God.
25. Visited the Appleton Church Home. Paid several calls and prospected for a church lot for a mission to the negroes. In the evening attended a reception to the mayor of New York and his staff and party in the Kimball House, Atlanta.
26. Gave letters dimissory to the Rev. C. M. Sturges, of Milledgeville, to the Diocese of Florida. We feel keenly this loss.
28. Said Evening Prayer in the Cathedral.
29. Celebrated and said Morning Prayer, also Evening Prayer and intercession for missions in the same Church.
30. S. Andrew, Apostle and Martyr.
1. In the city of Columbus, celebrated and preached at 11 A. M. Preached at S. Mary’s Chapel at 4 P. M. and at 7:30 P. M. Said Evening Prayer and preached to the local Chapter of the Brotherhood of S. Andrew.
2. At Griffin, officiated at the burial of Mrs. Nelms, a woman remarkable for a combination of piety, sympathy and practical intelligence, which won for her the highest veneration. We are proud to have claimed a share in her friendship, and trust we may have grace to follow her bright example of cheerfulness and large-hearted beneficence.
4. Said Evening Prayer at S. Paul’s, Atlanta, and confirmed three adults. Bishop Penick conferred a great favor by preaching for us.
5. Said Evening Prayer in the Cathedral.
6. Celebrated and said Morning Prayer.
8. Celebrated in Christ Church, Nashville, at 7:30 A. M., preached at 11 A. M. and again, by special request of the Brotherhood of S. Andrew, in the evening.
11. Responded to call of Executive Committee of the University of the South, to be held in Atlanta.
12. Attended meeting of the Church Commission for work among the colored people at 11 A. M.
13. Celebrated Holy Communion in the Cathedral, afterward said Morning Prayer and Litany.
14-15. Presided over the Board of Cathedral Missions at two meetings.
15. Third Sunday in Advent. Preached and celebrated in the Cathedral. Preached at S. Luke’s Church in the evening.
19. Said Evening Prayer in the Cathedral.
20. Celebrated and afterward said Morning Prayer.
22. Fourth Sunday in Advent. Said Morning Prayer, preached and celebrated at S. Mark’s, Dalton, after service administered the Holy Communion to a sick woman. In the evening preached in S. Peter’s Church, Rome. The combined interest and energy of the citizens of Rome has transformed the appearance of the proposed Church, which had stood for many months without cover. Now the gables are all built up, the roof on, and this beautiful building is nearing completion, to the great credit of the Rector, his friends and the community, which has most generously contributed to this object.
24. Said Evening Prayer at the Cathedral.
25. Christmas Day. Said Morning Prayer, preached and celebrated in the Cathedral, and later said Evening Prayer.
26. S. Stephen. Presided over and assisted in the work of the Committee on the Revision of the Constitution and Canons of the Diocese. Said Evening Prayer.
27. S. John Evangelist. Celebrated and said Morning Prayer in the Cathedral.
Presided over a meeting of the General Chapter at the Cathedral. Second meeting of the Revision Committee.
28. Holy Innocents. Presided at an adjourned meeting of the Revision Committee.
29. Officiated at S. John’s Church, Savannah, morning and evening, in the absence of the Rector.
The attractiveness of the services are greatly heightened by the new organ, a beautiful instrument set on one side of the Sanctuary, and a choir of forty-two men and boys, vested, who already sing anthem music well, and, under the competent training of Mr. Spencer M. White, is destined to be one of the first, if not the first, choir in the South.
JANUARY, 1896.
1. Confined to the house with a severe cold until afternoon.
2. Sent out cheques to Missionaries. Revised copies of Constitution and Canons for use of committee on this subject. Said Evening Prayer at the Cathedral.
3. Celebrated and said Morning Prayer. Much correspondence.
4. Made up Church In Georgia, Vol. IV. NO. 3. Burial of Mrs. J. C. Walton, mother of the Archdeacon of Atlanta, from the Cathedral; interment in Westview Cemetery.
5. Second Sunday after Christmas. Officiated morning and evening at the Cathedral, in the absence of the Dean.
6. Epiphany. Confined to the house. Held Conferences with Rev. Messrs. Barnwell, Page and McCormick.
7-8. Much correspondence.
9. Said Evening Prayer at the Cathedral.
10. Celebrated and said Morning Prayer. Corrected copies of Constitution and Canons.
12. Baptized James Bailey, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Tracey G. Acosta. Celebrated and preached at Messiah, Owen’s Ferry. Baptized one adult, confirmed three, and preached at Satilla Bluff, Lower Mills.
13. Celebrated and preached at S. Clement’s, Upper Bluff, in the morning. Drove twenty-four miles and preached at Messiah, S. Mary’s.
14. At Bridge Hammock I preached, after Morning Prayer, said by the Rev. D. Watson Winn, who accompanied me on the entire trip of seventy-five miles by private conveyance.
15. Wrote many letters. Said Evening Prayer. Had conference with the City Missionary and postulants aiding him.
16. Large correspondence. Met Maj. J. C. Clem, Committee of the Mission of the Incarnation, West End, in reference to laying Corner Stone and other business. Said Evening Prayer.
17. Celebrated and said Morning Prayer at the Cathedral.
18. Left for Cartersville at 4:10 P. M.
19. At the Church of the Ascension, Cartersville, preached and celebrated the Holy Communion. The known intention of the Rev. Mr. Benedict to give up his connection with this Church is received with universal regret. Our purpose is, at an early day, to combine the work at Cartersville with that at Dalton, Kingston, Calhoun and Adairsville, and place the whole in charge of a competent and active Priest. In the evening I preached in S. James’ Church, Cedartown, and confirmed three.
20. Met in conference with Rev. W. J. Page and Rev. J. N. McCormick. Attended at the Y. M. C. A. the exercises commemorative of the life and services of General Robert E. Lee.
21-22. Used well these two rainy days in completing many odds and ends of work.
23. Conferences held with the Dean and Rev. Mr. McCormick. Left for Tifton 7:50 P. M.
24. Arrived in Tifton 3:06 A. M. Said Morning Prayer and preached in the Methodist Church at 11 A. M. Secured pledge for a Church lot and took the train for Albany. Attended Evening Prayer at S. Paul’s Church.
25. Attended the celebration at S. Paul’s, Rev. H. B. Dean, Rector; afterward laid the Corner Stone of the new S. Paul’s Church, (Parish founded in 1851) in the presence of a large concourse of people. Paid several calls upon old members of the Parish.
26. Celebrated and preached in S. Paul’s in the morning. At night, confirmed four and preached.
27. Left Albany at 4:00 A. M. Spent the forenoon in Macon at the Appleton Church Home. In the evening, assisted by the Rev. J. F. Milbank, said Evening Prayer and preached in the Baptist Church in Dublin, Ga., where we have a lot and other substantial assurance for the building of a Church.
28. On the cars from Dublin to Atlanta.
29. On the cars from Atlanta to Louisville.
30. Assisted in the consecration of the Rev. Lewis William Burton, D. D., as Bishop of the new Diocese of Lexington.
31. Returned to Atlanta, spent six hours and took cars for Brunswick.
1. Paid a few calls and wrote a number of letters.
2. Confirmed eight people, preached and celebrated the Holy Communion in S. Mark’s Church, Brunswick. In the afternoon addressed the Sunday School. At 3:30 baptized an infant, confirmed two, and preached in S. Jude’s Church. After service confirmed in private two. In the evening, at S. Athanasius’ Church, confirmed thirty-two and preached. The Rev. Messrs. Perry, Lucas and Winn assisted.
3. Arriving at S. Simon’s Mills by boat, we drove seven miles to Christ Church, Frederica, confirmed four, preached and celebrated the Holy Communion. After dinner, at the Rectory had conference with the Rector and Vestry.
In the afternoon confirmed one and preached at S. Perpetua’s Chapel. Returning to the mills, confirmed two at S. Ignatius’ Chapel and preached. The Rector, Rev. Mr. Dodge, the Rev. E. H. Butler, and F. B. Gadsden, Catechist, assisted in the services.
4. Held conference with Rev. Mr. Dodge and Rev. E. H. Butler. The latter accepted the charge of S. Mary’s Chapel, Augusta, to take effect after Easter. At the Mills Chapel, preached, confirmed two and celebrated the Holy Communion.
5-6-7. Rested, visited and wrote letters in Savannah.
8. Omitted an appointment at Cordele as a heavy rain-storm prevented any attendance. Conferred with Rev. Mr. Walker and others in reference to the building of a church at this point.
9. Sexagesima. Americus. Preached and celebrated in Calvary Church in the morning. Paid three calls. Preached and confirmed one in the evening.
10. Revised Church In Georgia for the press, paid five calls, and took cars for Savannah.
11. Visited S. Mark’s Church, Little Ogeechee, confirmed, preached, celebrated the Holy Communion with eighty-one communicants, baptized two infants and held conference with the Wardens in reference to a new church, which is greatly needed for the congregation of this mission
12. Presided in the Archdeaconry of Savannah in Christ Church, celebrated the Holy Communion, and made an address. Presided at the Woman’s Auxiliary meeting in the afternoon and made an address.
Sang Evensong at S. John’s Church at night, and made an address on Diocesan interests.
13. Second day of the Archdeaconry. In S. Paul’s Church celebrated the Holy Communion and made an address.
Met Committee on Streets and Lanes of Savannah Council.
14. Attended to a large correspondence in Atlanta, and received several callers.
15. Paid eight calls in Valdosta with the Rev. Thomas Stafford, celebrated the Holy Communion, and preached in Christ Church.
Paid three calls in Thomasville.
16. Quinquagesima. Thomasville. Preached and celebrated the Holy Communion in S. Thomas’ Church, assisted by the Rector, Rev. C. I. LaRoche, and Rev. Mr. Bull, of Philadelphia.
In the afternoon said the Litany and made an address. In the evening confirmed four and preached in the Chapel of the Good Shepherd.
18. Celebrated and said Morning Prayer in the Cathedral. Held a brief Retreat for the Clergy, of whom six were present. Met with the Parochial Missions Society of the Diocese.
19. Ash Wednesday. Assisted the Rector of S. Luke’s at Morning Prayer. Said Evening Prayer and made an address at the Cathedral.
20. Celebrated and said Morning Prayer at the Cathedral.
Held the first meeting in the Lenten series for men, conducted the worship, and made an address.
In the evening preached in S. Mark’s, Dalton, and confirmed four presented by Archdeacon Walton.
21. Celebrated the Holy Communion in S. Mark’s in a temperature of 18 degrees. Attended Evening Service at the Cathedral.
22. Large correspondence.
23. First Sunday in Lent. Jekyl Island. Said Morning Prayer and preached in the Chapel, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Charles F. Hoffman, of New York.
24. S. Matthias. Observed the anniversary of my consecration in S. Luke’s Church with a celebration of the Holy Communion and an address. Bishop Johnston, of Western Texas, Archdeacon Walton, Dean Knight, the Rev. Messrs. McCormick and Barnwell were present and assisting.
At luncheon, which was prepared for the clergy and visitors by the ladies of S. Luke’s, very kind words were spoken of us by the Rector, and by Bishop Johnston, who honored us with his presence, and a purse was presented of $243.42 as a token of regard, intended as the nucleus of the necessary sum for a voyage and attendance at the Lambeth Conference in 1897, if the Good Lord spares us so long.
We were too deeply touched by the many expressions of esteem to make suitable response, but bear in our heart of hearts the dear people who so lovingly and tenderly offered their loyalty and attachment.
Said Evening Prayer and made an address at the Cathedral.
25. Overhauled my books and papers, removing some of them to the Diocesan office, and wrote many letters.
26. Attended the Litany at the Cathedral, after which assisted in the baptism of Nelson Garnett Walton, infant son of Archdeacon and Mrs.. Walton.
In the evening visited the temporary Chapel of the Incarnation, West End, said Evening Prayer, assisted by the Rev. W. J. Page, presided at a regular meeting of the Committee of the Mission, and viewed the new church upon which the roof timbers are set ready for sheathing.
27. Held several conferences with different men upon Diocesan business. Attended noonday service for business men at 44 W. Alabama Street. The attendance and attention were both encouraging. Examined certain cemetery lots in the trusteeship of the Bishop of Georgia. Said Evening Prayer and made an address at the Cathedral.
28. Celebrated and said Morning Prayer at the Cathedral, afterward held a musical conference with the organist, Dr. Dadswell.
29. Arrived and spent the day in Darien, Ga., upon invitation to the hospitality of Mr. J. K. Clarke and family. Confirmed one person in private.
1. Preached and celebrated the Holy Communion at S. Andrew’s-on-the-Ridge. In the afternoon at S. Cyprian’s Church, preached and confirmed four presented by the Rev. F. M. Mann, Deacon; afterward confirmed two in private. In the evening preached to a congregation which completely filled the Church, and confirmed nine presented by the Rector, Rev. Troy Beatty.
2. Leaving Darien by Captain Poster’s naphtha launch, said Evening Prayer in the Chapel at St. Simons’ Mills, preached and confirmed three people presented by the Rev. Mr. Dodge. In the evening confirmed three, and made an address in S. Athanasius’, Brunswick.
3. Said Evening Prayer in the Cathedral.
4. Celebrated Holy Communion and said Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer in the Cathedral.
5.-6. Correspondence and other official business.
7. Spent half a day in Columbus ; made several calls and said Evening Prayer in Trinity Church.
8. Third Sunday in Lent. Consecrated S. Mary’s Church, Columbus; preached and celebrated the Holy Communion. Held a conference with the Vestry of Trinity Parish at 4 P. M.
At Evening Prayer preached in the Parish Church and confirmed eighteen, presented by the Rector, Rev. W. C. Hunter.
9. Paid several calls on our people and concluded a very delightful visit to Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Goetchius.
10. Corrected proof and directed certain improvements in the Diocesan Library.
11. All day on the cars; said Evening Prayer and preached in All Saints’ Church, Sylvania.
12. Celebrated the Holy Communion and made an address in All Saints’ Church.
In the evening preached in Holy Trinity, Pineora, the Rev. W. R. McConnell reading the service.
13. Celebrated and preached in the Church of the Holy Trinity. In the evening preached in S. James’, Pooler, and confirmed six presented by Rev. Mr. McConnell.
14. Spent in Savannah making calls and writing letters.
15. Fourth Sunday in Lent. Confirmed fourteen in S. Paul’s Church, preached and celebrated the Holy Communion. Marked interest and earnestness have developed here since the Rev. J. S. Scully took temporary charge of the Church, and there are many tokens of a successful rectorship.
In the evening preached in S. Augustine’s Church, and confirmed three, presented by the Rev. M. F. Duty. The Church building bears marks of careful and reverent attention.
16. Conferred with a number of gentlemen on Church affairs and wrote many letters.
17. Visited Jekyl Island by special invitation to discuss educational interests.
18. Presided at meeting of the Committee of Revision of the Constitution and Canons of the Diocese in the Deanery. Said Evening Prayer and made an address in the Cathedral.
19. Celebrated and said Morning Prayer; afterward continued the meeting of the Committee of Revision and completed most of the work assigned. Conducted the short Mid-day service for men and made a brief address. Large correspondence.
20. Assisted by Archdeacon Walton, held service in Grace Church, Gainesville, preached and confirmed six people; several others were deterred by illness.
21. Paid a few calls in Washington, D. C., and in New York, and accepted the hospitality of the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Brown.
22. Preached in S. Thomas’ Church, New York, in behalf of the Church Commission, and celebrated the Holy Communion. In the evening preached in the Church of the Nativity, South Bethlehem, Pa.
23. Attended services, paid and received several calls, and greatly enjoyed a day’s rest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Sayre, our dear friends of many years.
24. Paid a number of calls in New York, mostly in the interest of Church work.
25. Feast of the Annunciation. Attended and assisted in the consecration of the Rev. Henry Yates Satterlee, D. D., in Calvary Church, New York, as Bishop of the new Diocese of Washington. Twelve Bishops and between two and three hundred Priests and Deacons were in attendance upon this solemn act. Our peculiar interest in this occasion was partly due to the fact that our study for Holy Orders began and our Diaconate was completed in the City of Washington under the direction of Bishop Whittingham and his assistant, Bishop Pinkney, and under the immediate supervision of the Rev. Dr. C. K. Nelson, long an honored presbyter of the old Diocese of Maryland, out of which the new See is formed.
26. Attended a meeting of the Church Commission in the Church Missions House; also by request of Mrs. Twing, Hon. Prest., explained to some officers of the Woman’s Auxiliary our method of securing reports of Church Work through the Auxiliary. We were much gratified by the interest in and evident indorsement of our system, which has undoubtedly raised enthusiasm and incited activity over most of the Diocese of Georgia.
27. Reached Atlanta at 3:30 P. M., and, after greeting our family and collecting our letters, left for Savannah at 10:50 P. M.
28. Accepted letter dimissory of Rev. J. L. Scully from the Diocese of Tennessee.
29. Confirmed twenty-one and celebrated the Holy Communion in S. John’s Church, Savannah, at 7:30 A. M. Preached in the same Church at 11 A. M. In the evening confirmed sixteen (16) and preached in S. Stephen’s Church.
30. Said Evening Prayer in the Cathedral.
31. Celebrated the Holy Communion in the Cathedral. Conducted Mid-day meeting for men and made an address. Said Evening Prayer in the Cathedral; confirmed fourteen (14) and made an address.
1. In S. James’ Church, Marietta, after Morning Prayer, confirmed, five and made an address. In the evening confirmed three in S. Paul’s Church, Atlanta, and preached.
2. After Evening Prayer in S. Luke’s Church, Atlanta, confirmed forty-five, presented by the Rector, Rev. John N. McCormick, and preached.
3. Celebrated Holy Communion in the Cathedral, Atlanta, at half past ten o’clock. From twelve to three kept the three hours with the assistance of the Rev. Messrs. Knight, McCormick and Barnwell, and with a congregation of four hundred. Said Evening Prayer at S. Luke’s.
4. Received notice of invitation of Rev. John L. Scully, to S. Paul;s Church, Savannah. In the afternoon, at the Chapel of the Holy Trinity, Decatur, assisted by Archdeacon Walton and Rev. Mr. Barnwell, confirmed six and preached.
5. Easter Day, celebrated Holy Communion in S. Luke’s Church at 7 A. M., and celebrated again at the Cathedral at 11 o’clock, after Morning Prayer, and preached. In the afternoon said Evening Prayer and addressed the Sunday School at the Cathedral. In the evening preached at S. Luke’s.
6. Said Evening Prayer at the Cathedral.
7. Celebrated Holy Communion at the Cathedral, and said Morning Prayer.
8. Solemnized the marriage of Charles Allen Healy and Mary Ethel Toy, in S. Luke’s Church.
9. Said Evening Prayer in the Cathedral.
10. Celebrated Holy Communion in the Cathedral, said Morning Prayer and held a conference with several of the clergy.
11. Held conference with several of the clergy and laity.
12. First Sunday after Easter, celebrated Holy Communion and confirmed fourteen and preached in Christ Church, Macon. In the afternoon confirmed ten and made an address in S. Barnabas’ Chapel, Macon. In the evening confirmed nineteen and preached in S. Paul’s Church.
13. Held a conference with several of the clergy, and visited Appleton Church Home.
14. Corrected proof of the report of the Committee on Constitution and Canons of the Diocese, and sent the report to the press.
15. Made up accounts for Convention Report.
16. Continued work of report for the Convention. Said Evening Prayer in the Cathedral.
17. Began writing Convention Address. Left for Savannah in the evening.
19. Second Sunday after Easter, confirmed twelve, preached and celebrated the Holy Communion in Christ Church, Savannah. In the afternoon attended the Sunday School celebration at S. Michael’s Chapel, confirmed four and made an address. In the evening, in S. Augustine’s Chapel, confirmed nine and preached, and, later, in S. John’s Church, assisted in a special service of the Sons of the Revolution. The sermon was preached by Rev. Charles H. Strong.
22. Prepared mortgage for the lot of the East Point Church, and held several conferences. Solemnized the marriage of Henry Ticknor DeBardeleben and Lulie Annie Thomas, in S. Luke’s Church.
23. Continued Convention Report. Said Evening Prayer in the Cathedral.
24. Celebrated the Holy Communion in the Cathedral and said Morning Prayer. The Rev. R. Heber Hoskin, of Detroit, Mich., reported for duty, and was detailed to Cartersville, Dalton, Kingston, Calhoun and Adairsville.
25. Went to Athens and was present at a delightful reception tendered to Mrs. Nelson and myself at the home of Professor and Mrs. H. C. White.
26. Third Sunday after Easter, in Emmanuel Church, Athens, confirmed five and preached and celebrated Holy Communion in the morning. In the afternoon addressed the Sunday School. In the evening said Evening Prayer and preached.
27. Left Athens for Clarkesville at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, and in the churchyard attached to the Chapel of the Holy Cross, five miles out of Clarkesville, assisted by Rev. R. M. W. Black, Rector of Emmanuel, Athens, I laid to rest, with the Church’s benediction, the Rev. William Eston Eppes, a Priest of this Diocese, whose life is a record of devotion to his Master and to humanity. His death occurred in the afternoon of S. Mark’s Day, after a brief illness.
28. Removed household goods from 302 Peachtree street, to 23 Forest avenue. In the evening solemnized the marriage of John W. Tullis, Jr., and Alice Pickens Haltiwanger, in S. Luke’s Church.
29. At noon solemnized the marriage of James Warren English, Jr., and Rebecca Douglas Low. In the evening at a special service in the Cathedral confirmed seven and made an address. Four of the candidates were from S. Luke’s, presented by the Rev. John N. McCormick, and three from the City Missions, presented by the Rev. Allard Barnwell. The Rev. Dean Knight was present and assisted in the service.
30. Said Evening Prayer in the Cathedral. In the evening opened the beautiful new Church of the Holy Incarnation, West End, Atlanta, and confirmed the first class, fourteen in number, presented by the Rector, the Rev. Wiley J. Page, and preached. The Rev. Allard Barnwell assisted in the service, and the Revs. Messrs. Knight and McCormick were present.
This record brings to a conclusion the most active year of our Episcopate.